Matilda and More

Sophia is in first grade. Her tooth is loose and she thinks this might be the day it falls out. She’s nervous, because she’s never lost a tooth before. During Independent Work Time she reads me a story she wrote. The story is about a dream she had. The dream is about losing her tooth.

Sophia’s partner for buddy reading is absent, so I am her partner. She is reading a book about a pig with a name something like Gloria. It is the second book in this series about the pig possibly named Gloria. At the part where the pig drives the convertible Sophia asks, “Have you read Matilda?”

“Yes, I love Matilda.”

“It’s a long book. Have you watched the movie?”

“Yes. I like the movie and the book.”

“My favorite is the end.”

“Yeah, I like the song they play.”

Sophia smiles shyly. “Ohm-bu-way.”



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