“Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady…”

I think this looks like the best muffin in the world. My mother thinks it would look better with a troll sitting atop it.

Ian-in-Japan told me to eat a muffin, so I did. It is very easy to convince me to go eat a muffin.

I ate this particular muffin yesterday, after a dental appointment in which my dentist was not Steve Martin.

But: is a Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Spice Muffin sold at a Starbuck’s inside a Barnes and Noble really the best muffin in the world? No.  The best muffin in the world would be one of the following:

  1. Truly the Best Blueberry Muffins Ever
  2. Fat-Free Pumpkin Bran Muffins
  3. Nutella-filled Banana Muffins
  4. Best Blueberry Muffin in the World!!
  5. The Best Corn Muffin in the World
  6. The Best Rasberry Yogurt Muffins in the World
  7. World’s Best Blueberry Muffin

Look’s like blueberry’s the winner. Must be the alliteration.

AIMEE, in an article titled “How to Make the Best Muffins Ever” says “the true sign of a good muffin is that it elicits a reaction.” I reacted by pulling out my camera and quickly-and-discretely snapping a picture. AIMEE’s suggested reactions are “a sigh, a pause, or maybe closer inspection followed by a question or comment–usually made with a full mouth.” The closest people to me were a young lady with a pierced eyebrow typing on a laptop and a middle-aged lady intently holding the hands of a man in a red-and-black striped polo shirt. I am trying to imagine their reactions had I turned to face them and, with a mouth spraying muffin crumbs and pumpkin seeds, announced, “This muffin is truly superb!”

Curious, I also investigated the worst muffins in the world.

  1. Worst: Blueberry Muffin (390 calories, 9 g saturated fat, 5 g protein, 57 g…)
  2. World’s Worst Apple Muffin and Squirrel
  3. As well as three quotes from Love, Actually that somehow managed to contain all my search terms ( Prime Minister: Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I
    think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. …. Daniel: Well, because I
    thought it would be something worse….. Colin: Beautiful muffin for a beautiful

“I hitch-hiked from Belgium to Malmö”

Would you believe me if I said, “I completely forgot about writing a blog post until just now!” You should, because it’s almost true. I actually forgot until just ten minutes ago, but then I had ten minutes’ worth of other stuff to finish before I could write this. Now I need to think: what would Grandma and Ian-in-Japan like to read about today?

Probably not my day; I can’t remember, but I’m pretty sure nothing exciting happened.

  1. I scheduled a dentist appointment. Nope, not exciting. The actual visit to the dentist tomorrow has potential, though. Hopefully not in a Little Shop of Horrors kind of way. Remember that dentist?
  2. I picked up two sweaters from the dry cleaners’. Not exciting, but the dry cleaner’s is a very fascinating place, actually. As are laundromats. I don’t have an actual memory of a laundromat, but it’s on my to-do list: acquire memory of a laundromat.
  3. I went to the post office and mailed two large envelopes. This could have been exciting, except the awesome postman wasn’t around–ooh! I know what to write now! In my journal from two years ago there’s an entry about a hilarious trip to the post office.

Time to time travel!


Setting: the post office, Friday afternoon. A 50-60-something man is in front of me with a box. I am holding an envelope with a thank note to Mormor and Morfar. The adorable postman is behind the counter (short, rectangular black glasses, late 30s (?))

Man: Will you be done quickly?

Me: Relatively.

Man: Relatively? That can mean a lot of things. ..

[he indicates that I may go before him.]

[I reach for the tape I see in front of me & break off a piece to seal the flap]

Man: Ah! The other day at Weekly Reader I was standing by the copier and I asked the lady next to me if she had many copies to make and she said just one page. And then she made 250 copies.

[I hand the envelope to the postman.]

Postman: You have a true gentleman here.

[Postman types stuff into computer.]

Postman: You have the wrong zip code. It’s okay, I can look it up for you.

[Man says something to the effect that I should have double-checked my zip code. He is clearly implying I am no different from the 250-copies lady.]

[Postman starts typing.]

Postman: Oh! I did not notice it was Sweden. I should have realized…

Man: Oh, so it’s your fault!

Postman, while getting 98-cent stamp: Are you from Sweden?

Me: Yes, my mother is Swedish.

Postman: Yes, you look Swedish.

Man: I went to Stockholm once. It’s a beautiful city, all the old buildings. There were a lot of Swedish warships. And they were always moving the warships and I asked someone why and he said it was so Sweden could feel like it was always protecting itself.

Postman: I’ve been to Sweden, but not to Stockholm. I hitch-hiked from Belgium to Malmö, but once I got there I couldn’t go any further.

Man: Well, you still made it to Sweden, at least.

Postman: And when I got there I drank lots of whiskey. It was expensive, though. All the Swedes go to Denmark to buy alcohol because it’s so much cheaper, especially on the boat.

[I hand the Postman a dollar and he starts to ring me up.]

Postman: You actually owe me $1,073.


Postman: No, really! [he turns the computer so I can see $1,073.00] I will have to ring it up again.

Man: No, you should just leave it. The post office needs every cent it can get, right?

Postman: Then maybe you can pay for her?

Man: Noo…hehe.

Postman: I would like to live in Sweden with the artist they want to kill.

Man: Isn’t he Danish?

Postman: There is one from Denmark and one from Sweden and one from…Holland.

Man: Dutch.

Me: Why do they want to kill him?

Man: They drew cartoons putting down the Islamic government.

Postman: I would still like to live with them.

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